Jesus changed my life.
My name is Lisa Derhake, and I am a follower of Jesus. Welcome! I hope you cozy up and find joy here. In sharing pieces of my story, and more importantly exploring God’s Word together, I pray that you are drawn closer to the One who loves you with an unconditional love that knows no end. May you know that you are never alone, in both the darkest valleys and on the most brilliant mountaintops. God is with you wherever you roam.
Cherished daughter. Rebel child. Rescued woman.
These phrases describe me. Like a human fingerprint, our stories are uniquely our own, but if you are a believer in Jesus, we share at least a few commonalities. You were once a rebel. You have been rescued. You are cherished.
You may think that Jesus is just not your jam—that’s okay! You are welcome here. Just hang out with me. We’ll explore truth together. You will see its power. Jesus once said, “the truth will set you free” (Jn. 8:32).
I was born to a loving couple who provided a safe and secure environment in which to grow, and I have never taken that for granted. I experienced many triumphs in my young life that were made possible because I had people who championed my endeavors. I was cherished.
I knew about God but did not know what it meant to live for Jesus, and the choices in my life reflected that ignorance. I spent many days in darkness and sin, indulging my desires and selfishness. I was a rebel.
Through the grace of God, the Holy Spirit pricked my heart and I began to read the Bible and ask questions of those who already knew Him. My life turned upside down as Jesus led me. I could no longer live in the muck and mire. A spotlight revealed my sin, and I trusted Jesus to wash it away. I was rescued and again became a cherished daughter—this time to the perfect Father.