I always considered myself to be an Indiana girl. [Insert a Tom Petty or John Cougar Mellencamp song]. That is, until I realized that I have now lived in Kentucky far longer than anywhere else. I married a wonderful man named Brian who knows how to make me laugh and drive me nuts. Just before we tied the knot, I received a B.A. in English from Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH. I then joined Brian at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, where I earned my M.D. After an interesting turn of events that was clearly orchestrated by the Lord, I “retired” at an extraordinarily young age to become a stay-at-home-mama. God has blessed us with three amazing children. Besides attending to household chores, looking inside children’s ear canals in the hopes of avoiding unnecessary trips to the pediatrician, and being an Uber mom for endless extracurricular activities, I have morphed into a voracious student of God’s Word and a passionate advocate for equipping women to draw closer to the Lord through the Word. I served on the leadership team for Community Bible Study for several years as a Core Group Leader and then spent several more years as a Teaching Director for Sojourn Women’s Bible Studies and as a Deacon for Women’s Ministry at Sojourn East. Our church home is now Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.